Individual Sessions
Body Psychotherapy
Your personal path to well-being
Body Psychotherapy Sessions in Byron Bay
Welcome to my Practice of Body Psychotherapy, in the Core Energetics model of self-development. Through a psychodynamic approach combined with a variety of physical movements and breathing exercises, we will work together to unblock muscular armouring and release emotional defence patterns that may be keeping you from full connection to your authentic self and enjoyment of natural self-expression.
Body Psychotherapy techniques include: stretching and opening moves; grounding and centering exercises; energy building postures; massage or finger pressure to muscles; vibration; breathwork, vocal expression and trauma release techniques. Inherent in this work is gentle, compassionate care which allows for energies to be safely processed and assimilated. I look forward to working with you and offering my best support for your personal development and well-being.
The duration of each session is one hour.
Session fees are:
Individual Session: $140 • Session for two: $200
To book a Body Psychotherapy Session contact Shirsha